Friday, 5 October 2018

Last Term for 2018 starts on Thursday 11 October - and what a term!

It's time to come back and sing! New term starts on Thursday 11 October, 7.15pm - 8.45pm, and runs for 9 weeks.

It's going to be an action-packed term. Here are the events coming up:
11 October - Term starts
13 October - for choir members who have volunteered - first Toowoomba rehearsal for Queensland Music Festival show Voices of Remembrance.
20 October - we are performing in the Peer Sing, New Farm School, 1 - 4pm, drinks afterwards.
8/9 November - for choir members who have volunteered - final rehearsals and performance at the Empire Theatre, Toowoomba, of Voices of Remembrance.
11 November - The Folk Choir is performing at the State Library of Queensland for the Picnic for Peace. Celebration starts at 10am on Maiwar Green. We are performing at 2.45pm for 35 minutes. Invite everyone!
25 November - our end of year concert in collaboration with Brisbane Celtic Fiddle Club - FLYING FIDDLES AND SOARING VOICES. 3pm, Red Hill Community Sports Club, 22 Fulcher Road.
Invite absolutely everyone! And share our poster!

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Voices of Remembrance.

Congratulations to The Folk Choir singers, who auditioned by video for the Queensland Music Festival show, "Voices of Remembrance", and were accepted!

We are now working on the songs, which reflect the music and sentiment of the show produced by John Thompson to commemorate the start of World War One, "A Patriotic Event". That was in 2014, and now here we are commemorating the end of the great war.

Voices of Remembrance will be performed in Toowoomba on 9 November at the Empire Theatre, and there will be a second show (without us) in Cairns. The show features Katie Noonan and Teddy Tahu Rhodes. We're very excited. Here's a link to more info: Voices of Remembrance.

Friday, 22 June 2018

Two Chorus Nights, one Harry Robertson workshop and the Winter Term.

So much is happening in The Folk Choir over this winter term break.

Thursday 5 July - Chorus Singing Night hosted by members of The Folk Choir. Gold coin entry.
Thursday 12 July - The Songs of Harry Robertson - a workshop hosted by Evan Mathieson. Learn about the fascinating story of Harry's life as a ship's engineer and the great songs he wrote. And get to sing them! $15, all welcome.
Thursday 19 July - Chorus Singing Night hosted by members of The Folk Choir. Gold coin entry.
Thursday 26 July - New Term Starts! This 9-week terms runs from 26 July - 20 September.

Warm yourself up with a good sing!

Thursday, 19 April 2018

The Folk Choir's Playlist

We have such an avid interest in folk music in the choir, I have started a playlist on Spotify so we can share tracks that we love. Listening to great versions of songs we are learning and recommending to each other is fun and we can introduce new favourites to each other.

I've started with a list of songs we are singing and classics it is worth hearing, and so far there's an hour there, but it could end up being an entire drive to the National Folk Festival's worth of music. Send me the names of tracks you'd like me to include!

Click here to go to The Folk Choir's Favourites playlist.

xx Nicole

Monday, 9 April 2018

Sing in Autumn with The Folk Choir - new term starts this Thursday!

The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness is upon us, and we will sing her in - there is so much to enjoy in this Autumn term of singing, read on to find out what we're up to!

New term dates
The Autumn term is ten weeks long and runs from 
Thurs 12 April - Thurs 14 June.

New songs and old!
We have lots of delicious songs to sing this term, and some grand occasions to sing them. We will continue with our work on Winds of Fortune and Chi Mi Na Morbheanna, bring back some old favourites including Twa Corbies and Hillcrest Mine, and start learning a new arrangement created by our very own Amorina, of Street of Forbes (the song about bushranger Ben Hall).

We will bring back Let Winter Begin and learn harmonies to Dance Up The Sun, and everyone is invited to sing them at dawn on May 1, up on Mt Coot-tha. More on that later! Before then we have Anzac Day, and in our end-of-the-evening chorus songs, we'll visit songs by Eric Bogle and John Thompson.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

The Folk Choir starts on Feb 1 and new singers are welcome.

It's time to sing again! The long Summer folk festival season is drawing to a close (to be followed of course by the folk festivals of Autumn), and we are all longing for some delicious harmonies and good friends surrounding us. Come and sing some satisfying songs full of meaning and stories.
The Folk Choir, 1 February,  7.15 - 8.45pm, $15, or $104 for the 8-week term, at the Red Hill Community Sports Club, next door to the Broncos, 22 Fulcher Road, Red Hill.