Tuesday, 23 July 2019

New term starts on Thursday 25 July.

We are starting our Midwinter to Spring term, and working on a set of great songs which we will perform at The Bug on October 22.

It's going to be great, hop in!

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

It's the end of the Autumn term. And what a term!

We have worked hard at some complicated arrangements and now all our simpler songs feel a lot easier! Huge thanks to George Papavgeris for welcoming us to sing his song "Johnny Don't Go Walking With The Fishes", which we have thoroughly enjoyed. Nicole put the chorus arrangement together for the Bribie Island choir camp early in the year, and completed the verse arrangements especially for The Folk Choir.

We are now at the end of the term. After the rehearsal on Thursday 4 July, we have two weeks off, then we're back into it on Thursday 25 July, preparing for our feature spot performing at The Bug Music Club on 22 October.

Here are some lovely pictures of us at The Peer Sing in June, with thanks to Rosalind Perry.