Thursday, 30 November 2017

Celebrating the end of the year by singing on ABC radio!

This Sunday 3 December, The Folk Choir will be singing on Rebecca Levingston's show on 612 ABC. Expect to hear us between 11.30 - 12 noon, singing some of our best songs and having a chat with Rebecca about why we're so into harmonies and folk music. Tune in live on a real radio if you're in Brisbane or listen on the web later.

It has been a mega term for the choir, with our hugely successful concert in collaboration with The Brisbane Celtic Fiddle Club two weeks ago, and the chorus singing element of our rehearsals getting richer and more joyful every week. No music required, just a good pair of listening ears and the will to slot your voice in there somewhere.

There is some video of us performing at the concert, on our facebook page, so please visit The Folk Choir's Facebook Page! Scroll down and you'll find video clips.

This year choir finishes on December 7, and we will begin rehearsals again in February, if you would like to join us and sing.

We do have a gig scare over the summer break - we are opening the fundraising concert at the Red Hill Community Sports Club, 22 Fulcher Road, on February 18. It will be a great afternoon of folk acts, raising money to contribute to the repair and maintenance of the airconditioning at the hall, which makes it a great venue for choirs, folk clubs and dance groups.

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